
Homoeopathy derived from the word ‘homeo’ and ‘pathos’, meaning similar suffering. It is a system of medicine based on the principle that the body has an ability to heal itself, our natural defense mechanism is activated within the body when the substances and environmental factors threaten to alter the body’s natural balanced state. Homoeopathic medicines stimulate these defense mechanism; allowing the body to heal itself.

The remedy suitable to the patient; is the drug which , if given to a healthy individual will produce a symptomatic pattern most similar to the one shown by the patient. This one drug is called the similimum. Only the smallest doses of homoeopathic remedy is capable to awake self haling mechanism. Remedies are diluted and purified beyond the point of harm until only state of energy of the remedy remains.

How it Works…

Homeopathy is a medical system based on the belief that the body can cure itself. Those who practice it use tiny amounts of natural substances, like plants and minerals. They believe these stimulate the healing process. It was developed in the late 1700s in Germany.


  • Homeopathic medicines are prepared from tiny amounts of proven healing substances derived mainly from plants, minerals and animals. They are given in very minute doses so that they are non-toxic, and are very safe. Unlike antibiotics and other medicines, homeopathic medicines will not hamper digestion; will not lower immune resistance; will not produce allergic reactions and are safe in the long term if taken as directed by a qualified homeopath.
  • Homeopathic medicine is fast acting, restoring optimal health. Homeopathic prescribing is effective in both acute and chronic conditions.
  • Homeopathy is based on nature's principle of cure, namely Like Cures Like (The Law of Similars). Homeopathy has a long standing healing tradition and is now the most popular holistic therapy worldwide.
  • Homeopathic treatments addresses disease at the root level, hence enhancing resistance to disease.
  • Homeopathic medicines are safe for everyone because there is no risk of toxicity or side-effects. Homeopathy is ideal for all life stages including pregnant and lactating women.